Roman Laus
Founder & CEO of Mewery
Roman is an entrepreneur and has built or co-founded several companies: Global DTP, Global E-learning, Home Institute, and also invested in two startups. He has been a founding member as well as a Program Director at Future Port Prague, the largest international futuristic event in the heart of Europe. He has also studied exponential technologies and organizations in the US.
Thanks to his network and knowledge gained through Future Port journey, he decided to not only organize events about future technologies but to take action. Thus, in 2020, Roman founded Mewery, the first European cell-based food tech startup developing cultivated pork on a microalgae base.
A quote around the topic:
“Thanks to Mewery, I have finally found my passion, as it is completely aligned with my inner values. I have also been teaching meditation and personal development methods around the world for many years. Thus my motivation is to create a beneficial business which saves many animals and even our planet.”